Could You Be a Fetish Sissy?


There are many qualities that identify a fetish sissy and they usually are not all that difficult to spot. The first quality is your love of womens clothing. Not just any womens clothing, however. You have to love the designs that will make you look the sexiest while maintaining an extremely sissy look to you. It’s one thing to dress up in Grandma’s robe and slippers in the house, but it is a whole other story when you are wearing a black leather mini skirt and fishnet stockings. Of course, you will also need a blouse and sexy accessories as well to fully pull the look off with a degree of success.

The act of wearing womens clothing isn’t the only thing to look for in a fetish sissy though. You have to be willing to completely give up your manliness and live in the moment as a sissy. You might find giving up that kind of control to be a bit too much at first, but it is well worth the effort. The things you will learn about yourself and others around you will be absolutely amazing. This is the main reason guys are starting to find this fetish to be so rewarding for them.

For all those guys that know what it’s like to live the life of a fetish sissy, more power to you. You have taken a step down a path that will be extremely rewarding in every way. For those guys that are just starting out; stick with it a while so that you, too, can see those rewards showing up in your life. You already have an adventurous spirit within you and this is a great way of letting that spirit run around free for a bit. Once you are ready to dive into the deep end, though, make sure you are ready for an awakening that you never thought you would experience  in your life.


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The Fetish Sissy Confession


Being a fetish sissy is one of those things that you probably don’t want to explain to a lot of people.  I know this from personal experience. I told a friend of mine about my little fetish one day and he just stared at me like I had lost my mind. I guess he wasn’t ready to hear something like that about me because I haven’t spoken with him in almost two years now. Of course, I feel that it is his loss since I am one of the sexiest sissies you will ever meet. But trying to explain something like this to people you care about is difficult to say the least.

The fetish sissy lifestyle is something that no one wants to know anything about, unless they are involved in the fetish themselves. That is why a lot of guys will keep this particular fetish secret for as long as they possibly can. Even if it means they have to keep it from their wife for years. However, there is a good thing about telling people about it if you can. You see, if they can’t handle it when you first tell them, then they shouldn’t be with you in the first place.

I know it’s difficult, but if you can get the initial shock of the fetish sissy lifestyle out of the way and have an actual conversation about it; things will look pretty good. They may still think you are some kind of freak, but at least they will try to understand what it is about this fetish that makes you so interested in it. On the other hand, you can simply leave it all alone and keep living your secret life. I have found it is much easier to do something like that most of the time. Especially after trying to explain to a couple of people and having them look at me strangely from that day forward.


Spandex fetish sissy wear and extreme swim and underwear designs.



Fetish Sissy

Hi welcome to my Fetish Sissy blog. There are lots of interesting sites, blogs and newsletters on the web. This blog will be a little more focused on male to female transformation including stories, information, photos, new designs, I will try to include photos of myself and any that my readers send in.

I am very interested in male transformation and I consider myself a total fetish sissy. My goal is to create and entertaining and helpful site for men who share my interests.

I will be featuring model photos and photos of myself. This is me (not a real model) but I enjoy showing off my feminine side.


I am wearing a male to female transformation design from